Intelligena AI Investment Engine

Intelligena is actively investing today and has a long term track record of undeniable reliability proven through live market investing. We strive to be reliably profitable for every investor in any market condition.*

Disruptive Proprietary AI Investment Engine.


Collect and Improve
Data Engine


Deep Learning
Proprietary Algorithms


Tactical and Strategic
Forecast API


Reliable Profit
Trading Engine


Interested in investing in Intelligena?

Happy Advisor

Intelligena's AI Investment algorithm

is designed to break the system.


Data Engine

Collects data based on domain expertise and analysis.
Automated collection with proprietary augmentation process.

Proprietary AI

Effective on non stationary timeseries data
Multiple Traditional and AI Algorithms combined into proprietary engine.
AI is constantly updating and improving to remain aware of current environment conditions


Proprietary AI used to produce unique Forecasts
Combines Traditional Statistical Analysis with Cutting Edge AI
Forecasts produced in realtime on commodity hardware.
Forecasts engine produces actionable, unambiguous output


Proprietary Trading Engine"
Not high frequency trading.
Analysis determines profits not speed.
AI driven portfolio rebalancing.
Funds only invested during trading hours.
All funds are cash outside trading hours

The Intelligena Story

My interest in AI Investment started in leading the effort to modernize computing in the strategic technology department of the nations largest broker/dealer. I quickly realized that the business models in the investment industry were not widely focused on advanced computing. As a leading futurist and technologist, I believed that the future of investing was AI. At the time, the revolution in Artificial Intelligence had not occurred. The technology was not available. Yet.

A small team of visionary developers began work with a singular focus. To develop and deploy a functioning investment platform using advanced data collection, analysis and trading. As AI advanced, so did our proprietary system. Intelligena softawre is based on a fundamental set of basic tenets.

  • There is no such thing as a random walk in real world data.
  • Stationarity as not necessary to forecast timeseries data.
  • Smart investors need advanced tools to make investing profitable in a modern investing landscape.

Success came with time, creativity and dogged trial and error. Intelligena has chased down the white whale.

With success in forecasting in financial markets, the technology is ready to advance. With additional resources, Intelligena will expand application of our core algorithms to increase market coverage as well as expand into applications in novel industries and projects which are able to create value with drmatically improved timeseries forecasting.

The Dream Team

Founder / AI Developer
VP Business Development
Interested? Make contact below.
AI Algorithm Developer
Interested? Make contact below.
AI Developer / Data Engineer
System Developer
System Developer

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